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54th Illustrious Potentate Noble Chris G. Jourdan

From The Desk of the Illustrious Potentate
As-salamu alaykum!
I humbly greet you as the 54th Illustrious Potentate of Historic Nabbar Temple #128 of the AEAONMS of North and South America and its Jurisdictions Inc. Prince Hall Affiliated.
Located in the Oasis of Atlanta, Desert of Georgia.
Ahla oushlea to the Nabbar Temple No.128 website. This site will provide you with the rich history of our Temple, Divan members, community service, events, and Auxiliary Units. So feel free to click, explore, and enjoy! If you have any questions you are only a one click away.
Illustrious Potentate,
Noble Chris G. Jourdan
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